President Ruto’s Controversial Affordable Housing Bill Sails Through in Parliament


The affordable housing project on Tuesday, February, 20th, 2024 sailed through the second reading in the National Assembly.

Efforts by the opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) to stop the passage of the Bill failed as the government side carried the day getting 141 votes against 58.

Kenya Kwanza leaning MPs toed the line and followed the command by President William Ruto and voted for the Bill to sail through.

Pleas from Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi to delay the debate of the Bill at the third reading stage were also not successful as the Speaker ruled that the debate will go on as scheduled on Wednesday afternoon.

“Due to the many amendments that have been proposed by various members on the controversial Bill, I would request that you give us time, so that we debate the Bill on Thursday to allow as many members as possible to bring amendments,” the Ugunja MP pleaded.

However, the request was opposed by Majority Leader Kimani Ichungw’ah who asked the Speaker to allow for members to propose amendments, but insisted the need for the Bill not to be delayed.

“We should not delay the debate on this Bill, any amendments can be proposed and we can even have a supplementary order paper, but this debate must come tomorrow,” stated Ichung’wah.

“I want to see which MP is going to oppose this Bill, I want to see which MP is going to deny his electorates an opportunity to get a job, because this Bill is about creation of jobs, it’s about jobs for our people.”

Several amendments have been proposed to the Bill including scrubbing the 10% deposit that was required for one to own a house.

“There was a fear that these houses will be taken by the rich at the expense of the people that could benefit from this affordable housing. And therefore we will be proposing to have one ID or one KRA Pin carry one house so that we do not have people taking advantage of this particular program and going to invest in them at the expense of the hustlers that are benefiting from this programme,” said Finance committee chair Kimani Kuria.

Division of the Affordable Housing Bill 2023 that is currently in the second reading.

Votes are as follows:

  1. Hon. Samuel Chepkonga – YES
  2. Hon. Benjamin Kipkirui – YES
  3. Hon. Marianne Kitany – YES
  4. Hon. Samuel Atandi – NO
  5. Hon. Walter Owino – NO
  6. Hon. Irene Njoki – YES
  7. Hon. Joshua Kandie – YES
  8. Hon. Makilap Kipkoros – YES
  9. Hon. Nelson Koech – YES
  10. Hon. Alfah Miruka Ondieki – YES
  11. Hon. Linet Chepkorir – YES
  12. Hon. Patrick Kibagendi – NO
  13. Hon. Raphael Wanjala – NO
  14. Hon. Jack Wamboka – NO
  15. Hon. Kibet Kirui – YES
  16. Hon. Catherine Omanyo – NO
  17. Hon. Tindi Mwale – NO
  18. Hon. Joseph Oyula – NO
  19. Hon. Rindikiri Mugambi – YES
  20. Hon. Joseph Kirima – YES
  21. Hon. Paul Kibichii – YES
  22. Hon. Musa Sirma – YES
  23. Hon. Wehliye Keynan – YES
  24. Hon. Jeptoo Ngelechei – YES
  25. Hon. Gathiru Benjamin – YES
  26. Hon. Julius Mawathe – NO
  27. Hon. Mark Mwenje – NO
  28. Hon. Pamela Njoki – YES
  29. Hon. Lelemengit Joses – YES
  30. Hon. Johana Ngeno – YES
  31. Hon. Robert Pukose – YES
  32. Hon. Oundo Wilberforce – NO
  33. Hon. Dekow Mohamed – YES
  34. Hon. Muriu Wakili – YES
  35. Hon. Gabriel Kangombe – YES
  36. Hon. Martha Wangari – YES
  37. Hon. Charles Gimose – YES
  38. Hon. George Kaluma – NO
  39. Hon. Taitumu Julius – YES
  40. Hon. Abdi Abdi Ali – YES
  41. Hon. Benard Shinali – YES
  42. Hon. George Koimburi – YES
  43. Hon. Eve Obara – NO
  44. Hon. Leah Sankaire – YES
  45. Hon. Hamisi Kakuta – NO
  46. Hon. Elsie Muhanda – NO
  47. Hon. Paul Kahindi – NO
  48. Hon. Yusuf Hassan – YES
  49. Hon. Peter Irungu – YES
  50. Hon. Fabian Kyule – YES
  51. Hon. Oscar Sudi – YES
  52. Hon. Adipo Andrew – NO
  53. Hon. Charles Were – NO
  54. Hon. Robert Mbui – NO
  55. Hon. Kipsanai Adams – YES
  56. Hon. Julius Ruto – YES
  57. Hon. John Wanjiku – YES
  58. Hon. Anne Wanjiku Mugo – YES
  59. Hon. Peter Ochieng – NO
  60. Hon. Mwengi Mutuse – YES
  61. Hon. Joseph Munyoro – YES
  62. Hon. Kimani Ichung’wah – YES
  63. Hon. Getrude Mbeyu – NO
  64. Hon. Owen Baya – YES
  65. Hon. Bisau Kakai – YES
  66. Hon. Gonzi Rai – YES
  67. Hon. Kwenya Thuku – YES
  68. Hon. Joseph Kimutai – YES
  69. Hon. Hilary Kosgei – YES
  70. Hon. Njeri Maina – YES
  71. Hon. Joseph Gitari – YES
  72. Hon. Joshua Oron – NO
  73. Hon. Rozaah Buyu – NO
  74. Hon. Irene Kasalu – NO
  75. Hon. Nimrod Mbai – YES
  76. Hon. Edith Nyenze – NO
  77. Hon. Japheth Nyakundi – YES
  78. Hon. Anthony Kibagendi – NO
  79. Hon. Josep Tonui – YES
  80. Hon. Kitayama Maisori – YES
  81. Hon. Fatuma Masito – NO
  82. Hon. Ferdinand Wanyonyi – YES
  83. Hon. Abdirahman Abdi – YES
  84. Hon. Jane Kagiri – YES
  85. Hon. Festus Mwangi – YES
  86. Hon. Stephen Wachira – YES
  87. Hon. Ruweida Obo – YES
  88. Hon. Stanley Muriuri – YES
  89. Hon. Joseph Kahangara – YES
  90. Hon. Mishi Mboko – NO
  91. Hon. Innocent Mugabe – NO
  92. Hon. Akuja Protus – YES
  93. Hon. Oyugi Dick – NO
  94. Hon. Chiforomodo Mangale – YES
  95. Hon. Kamene Joyce – NO
  96. Hon. Caleb Mule – YES
  97. Hon. Susan Kiamba – NO
  98. Hon. Malulu Injendi – YES
  99. Hon. HusseinWeytan Mohamed – NO
  100. Hon. Haro Ibrahim – YES
  101. Hon. Yusuf Adan Haji – YES
  102. Hon. Mukunji Gitonga – YES
  103. Hon. Mary Wamaua – YES
  104. Hon. Kangogo Bowen – YES
  105. Hon. Timothy Toroitich – YES
  106. Hon. Naomi Waqo – YES
  107. Hon. Odanga Geoffrey – NO
  108. Hon. Edwin Mugo – YES
  109. Hon. Eric Mwangi – YES
  110. Hon. Kassim Tandaza – YES
  111. Hon. Oscar Nabulindo – NO
  112. Hon. Stephen Mule – NO
  113. Hon. Geoffrey Ruku – YES
  114. Hon. Benard Muriuki – YES
  115. Hon. Elizabeth Karambu – YES
  116. Hon. Fatuma Mohamed – NO
  117. Hon. Reuben Kiborek – YES
  118. Hon. Phyliss Bartoo – YES
  119. Hon. Kimani Kuria – YES
  120. Hon. Zamzam Mohamed – NO
  121. Hon. Abraham Kirwa – YES
  122. Hon. James Onyango – NO
  123. Hon. Betty Maina – YES
  124. Hon. Machele Mohamed – NO
  125. Hon. Mary Maingi – YES
  126. Hon. Charles Nguna – NO
  127. Hon. Liza Chelule – YES
  128. Hon. David Gikaria – YES
  129. Hon. Rebecca Tonkei – YES
  130. Hon. Agnes Pareiyo – YES
  131. Hon. Ole Ntutu Kitilai – YES
  132. Hon. Gabriel Tongoyo – YES
  133. Hon. Emmanuel Wangwe – YES
  134. Hon. George Gachagua – YES
  135. Hon. GK Macharia – YES
  136. Hon. Charity Kathambi – YES
  137. Hon. Joash Nyamoko – YES
  138. Hon. Mohamed Ali – YES
  139. Hon. Jerusha Momanyi – YES
  140. Hon. Faith Gitau – YES
  141. Hon. Jared Okelo – NO
  142. Hon. Duncan Mathenge – YES
  143. Hon. Muchira Michael – YES
  144. Hon. Michael Wainaina – YES
  145. Hon. Otiende Amolo – NO
  146. Hon. Paul Kibet – YES
  147. Hon. Mwafrika Kamande – YES
  148. Hon. TJ Kajwang – NO
  149. Hon. Simon Kingara – YES
  150. Hon. Eric Muchangi – YES
  151. Hon. Clement Sloya – YES
  152. Hon. Caleb Amisi – NO
  153. Hon. Dido Raso – YES
  154. Hon. Pauline Lenguris – YES
  155. Hon. Lekumontare Jackson – YES
  156. Hon. James Nyikal – NO
  157. Hon. Ikana Fredrick – YES
  158. Hon. Christine Ombaka – NO
  159. Hon. Justice Kemei – YES
  160. Hon. John Waluke – YES
  161. Hon. Francis Sigei – YES
  162. Hon. Shadrack Mwiti – YES
  163. Hon. Silvanus Osoro – YES
  164. Hon. David Kiplangat – YES
  165. Hon. Caroli Omondi – YES
  166. Hon. Gachobe Kinuthia – YES
  167. Hon. Junet Mohamed – NO
  168. Hon. Peter Masara – NO
  169. Hon. Lydia Mzighi – YES
  170. Hon. Amina Dika – YES
  171. Hon. Mary Emaase – YES
  172. Hon. George Murugara – YES
  173. Hon. Susan Ngugi – YES
  174. Hon. Alice Nganga – YES
  175. Hon. John Mutunga – YES
  176. Hon. Julius Melly – YES
  177. Hon. John Chikati – YES
  178. Hon. Siyoi Lilian – YES
  179. Hon. Ngikolok Nicholas – YES
  180. Hon. John Ariko – NO
  181. Hon. David Ochieng – YES
  182. Hon. Opiyo Wandayi – NO
  183. Hon. Kagesi Kivai – YES
  184. Hon. Beatrice Adagala – YES
  185. Hon. Abdi Chome – NO
  186. Hon. Fatuma Jehow – NO
  187. Hon. Mohamed Aden Daudi – YES
  188. Hon. Adow Mohamed Aden – NO
  189. Hon. Danson Mwashako – NO
  190. Hon. Robert Basil – NO
  191. Hon. Ali Khalif – YES
  192. Hon. Sabina Chege – YES
  193. Hon. Suleka Harun – YES
  194. Hon. Dorothy Ikiara – YES
  195. Hon. Joseph Wainaina – YES
  196. Hon. Jackson Kosgei – YES
  197. Hon. John Mbadi – NO
  198. Hon. Talib Abubakara – YES

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