How Autoports Head Of General Operations Humphery Ashubwe Is Making A Difference

Tell us a bit about yourself:
I’m Humphrey Ashubwe Autoports Freight Limited manager.AGL has been our partner for quite a long time.We’ve been handling their consignments through our facility in Mombasa.We’ve grown together and we are happy to see AGL transform and grow in the logistics sector.We are proud of AGL for providing logistics solutions to the people of East and Central Africa.
What makes you stand out from other companies?
At Autoports we offer cargo transfer and efficiency in container handling and safety.We are the first company in the industry to deliver cargo at your doorstep.We chose to partner with AGL because of its exclusivity and efficiency.AGL is one of the top companies in East Africa and maintaining position 1 isn’t easy.Being the number one service provider to a company like AGL is something we are proud of.
What would you like your legacy to be?
Kenya is a country that is headed to be an economic leader in Africa. We as industry leaders are striving to make it happen by looking ahead at what is needed tomorrow and bringing it today that is what has been the foundation from the beginning.We want to be the ones to lead the way and create a legacy for ourselves.We want to be leaders of innovation in our sector.This means we have to keep on striving and looking ahead in order to plan for the future.We are looking to the future, studying the future and providing solutions for those requirements now.Tomorrow our customers will not struggle because Autoports already bridged the gap.