JW Marriott Nairobi Drunk Female Director Exchanges Blows With Journalists Over Interviewing Husband At Grand Opening

The JW Mariott grand opening was filled with pomp and colour in Nairobi as the creme de la creme of the society and journalists came to witness and cover the event.
Journalists were required to interview people on their thoughts about the grand opening and all was going well until a female director who was drunk confronted journalists over interviewing her husband.
The female director in a blue/turquoise coat, black pant suit and a bun was drunk beyond words and began hurling insults at journalists stating that female journalists wanted her husband and it wasn’t long before they started exchanging words and blows.
When confronted by security she stated that she was just protecting her husband from the lustful eyes of female journalists and began bragging that she is a director at the hotel hence she was untouchable.
The journalists were kicked out by the head of security and Phillip at the establishment for simply doing their job and without listening to both sides of the story.
It was speculated that they feared the female director and they could be fired by the unscrupulous lady.The manger that night also wasnt much help.
The waiters were kind and really professional with top-notch customer service.The decor and food were unmatched compared to other five star establishments in the area.