Africa’s Top Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda Gives Keynote Address At Prestigious Arbitration Conference In Kenya

Attorney General of Malawi,Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda graced the international Arbitration and ADR conference held in Nairobi, Kenya.
The conference brought together lawyers and arbitrators from different parts of the world in a ground breaking event that took place at the heart of the Nairobi CBD.
Mr. Nyirenda gave the main address on the importance of updating arbitration laws for commercial development among other topics.

The conference which is held annually and focuses on shaping the future of law and arbitration addressed different challenges lawyers and arbitrators face on a daily basis.
Mr Nyirenda emphasized on the importance of embracing change and evolving with the industry.Many stated that they left the conference feeling inspired due to his speech and look forward to attending the next one next year.