“As Your Leader I Will Stand With You In Good Times & Bad”Hon Benson Kamara Reassures Residents In Speech


n times of trial Hon Kamara is closest to the people

Hon Benson Kamara has proven now more than ever that he is the voice of the voiceless.This year alone he has embarked on a journey to not only stand with the people in times of trial but to also ease the weight of world on their shoulders.

Hon Kamara has made it a priority to use his position to uplift and elevate members of the community especially during this challenging time.He has made it a priority to help members of the community not only financially but also by encouraging them.He has made it clear that his intention is to ease the financial burdens of members of the society and to ensure the under privileged in society are assisted accordingly.

According to church leaders being a God fearing man has allowed Mr Kamara to be empathetic to the current situation and the plight of members of the society.He has made it a priority to give back to the community at least once a week for this reason.

In the last few weeks Hon Kamara was recognized for uniting different communities and encouraging peace.He has also educated children from less privileged families and given them a fighting chance.Besides donating seedlings to farmers,he has also helped settle hospital bills and donated foodstuffs to those who were affected by floods and the recent demonstrations.

He not only stood with Gen Z but with entreprenuers who lost their stock during demonstrations.Hon Benson Kamara is closer to the people now more that ever and has proven that in times of trial is there with them.

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