CS Miano to Revamp the Tourism and Wildlife Sector to Serve the Emerging Trends


Newly appointed Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano has pledged to fast-track strategies aimed at unlocking the immense potential of Kenya’s tourism sector.

Speaking today during the official handover ceremony at the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife headquarters in Nairobi, incoming CS Miano said that she would lead consultations in revamping the National Tourism Policy to serve emerging trends given the ever-changing tastes of tourists citing that the sector holds significant promise in boosting the country’s economic growth.

“I am taking over the helm of this critical sector at a time when the focus is firmly on economic transformation and job creation,” CS Miano said.

“My priority will be to accelerate the growth of tourism earnings to support the government’s development agenda. I will seek broad consensus with key stakeholders in the sector to ensure that the spirit of the Bottom-up Economic Model is upheld in a manner that distributes benefits accruing from tourism and wildlife conservation more evenly throughout Kenya as I consult with sector players on ways of reducing human-wildlife conflicts” She added.

The CS was categorical on the need to enhance product diversification that caters to modern tastes and boosts the country’s competitive edge. She affirmed that the Ministry would work closely with all stakeholders to unlock the sector’s immense potential for both domestic and international tourism.

“In collaboration with key sector players, I will seek ways of entrenching a domestic tourism culture as we disabuse the notion that tourism is for visitors from without. I will also encourage the use of modern information technology to rally the travel industry to not only shore up tourist numbers but also create also memorable experiences of our diverse attractions” CS Maino commented.

Tourism is the third largest source of foreign exchange for Kenya, with earnings reaching Ksh352.6 billion in 2023 compared to Ksh268.1 billion the previous year, marking a 31.5% increase.

The Ministry of Tourism & Wildlife, through the Kenya Tourism Board (KTB), is collaborating with county governments to develop niche tourism circuits, which Miano said will be a game-changer for the sector.

” There is need to re tool wildlife conservation in order to respond to current issues like climate change, Kenya is custodian to diverse wildlife heritage as well as flora and fauna that we must take care of. We will also focus on ensuring synergy with the county governments as well as creating an enabling environment for investment in tourism across the country. My door is open for all sector players as we seek partnerships that will be beneficial to the sector,” added Miano.

In his remarks, Cabinet Secretary for Labour and Social Protection Alfred Mutua who is the outgoing CS for Tourism and wildlife praised the groundwork laid during his tenure, particularly through initiatives which aim at uncovering Kenya’s hidden tourism treasures. He expressed confidence that the new CS will bring a fresh perspective to boost tourism earnings.

“I am confident that CS Miano will build upon the momentum, especially through the collaborations with counties, to drive tourism revenue growth. I wish her success in steering Kenya’s tourism sector to new heights,” said CS Mutua

On the issue of human-wildlife conflict, CS Miano expressed commitment to finding sustainable solutions, noting that she will work closely with the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and other agencies to ensure proper mechanisms for compensation and conservation are in place.

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