Dr. Nicholas Letting: A Visionary Leader Shaping Kenya’s Future


Dr. Nicholas Letting, the Chief Executive Officer of the Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board (Kasneb), stands as a towering figure in Kenya’s educational and professional landscapes. His remarkable career, spanning over 24 years, underscores his influence and expertise in corporate leadership, academia, and governance.

Dr. Letting’s extensive experience includes his recent tenure as Vice-Chancellor and CEO of the Management University of Africa (MUA), where he demonstrated exceptional leadership and vision. His role at Kasneb is pivotal, where he leads the examination board responsible for setting and overseeing the standards for accountancy and secretarial professions in Kenya.

Leadership and Expertise

Dr. Letting is a respected figure in the professional community, holding Fellowships with the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK), the Institute of Certified Secretaries (ICS), and the Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). His active participation in various councils and committees, including his role as convener of the Research and Development and Nomination Committees at ICPAK, highlights his commitment to advancing professional standards and governance.

His leadership extends beyond administrative roles; he is a recognized corporate transformative leader and an expert in performance management, strategic leadership, and investment analysis. Dr. Letting has held senior positions with British American Tobacco (BAT) Kenya and the Kenya Institute of Management, further enriching his extensive portfolio.

Academic Contributions

Dr. Letting’s academic contributions are equally impressive. With a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (Strategic Management), an MBA, and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Nairobi, his educational background is complemented by his role as a mentor, coach, and external examiner for leading universities across East Africa. His scholarly work includes numerous publications and supervision of doctoral and master’s theses, reflecting his deep commitment to the advancement of knowledge and education.

Recognition and Awards

Dr. Letting’s dedication to his field has not gone unnoticed. He has been honored with the Elder of the Order of the Burning Spear (EBS) in 2020 and the Head of State Commendation (HSC) in 2012, recognizing his significant contributions to education and national development. These accolades underscore his impact and the high regard in which he is held within the community.

A Call for Elective Leadership

Given his impressive track record and the widespread admiration for his leadership style, many believe that Dr. Letting’s skills could serve the nation well in an elective post. His extensive experience in governance, education, and professional development equips him with a unique perspective and capability to address the complex challenges facing Kenya today.

Dr. Letting’s thoughtful approach to leadership and his demonstrated commitment to public service suggest that he could bring valuable insights and transformative ideas to a broader political stage. His extensive background in strategic management and public administration positions him as a compelling candidate for elective office, where his vision and expertise could influence national policies and contribute to Kenya’s ongoing development.

In summary, Dr. Nicholas Letting is not only a leader of high caliber within the professional and academic sectors but also a figure whose potential for greater leadership roles is widely recognized. His dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence make him a notable candidate for those advocating for visionary and effective leadership in Kenya’s future.

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