Human Rights lobby group wants EACC and human resource body to probe Coast Water official

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission( EACC) and the Human Resource Management Kenya have jointly been invited and challenged to probe the conduct of the Human Resource Head at the Coast Water Works Development Agency.
The Commission for Human Rights and Justice( CHRJ) has written a complaint letter dated on 21st January 2025 and received on 22nd January 2025,on the dealings and conduct of Coast Water Works Development Agency ( CWWDA) Human Resource Manager Simon Charo Menza’s conduct.

Series of Communication / chats between Simon Charo Menza and the compliant where he admits taking the bribe
The lobby groups want the two bodies to probe the said official for alleged “soliciting and receiving bribes from members of the public to influence on tenders.
“He allegedly received bribes a sum of Kshs 500,000 from John Abura Oucho to influence an award of tender for repairs and painting of a resource centre,” the commission through its advocates states in part of the letter.
The said John Abura Oucho instituted suit in Mombasa SCCC no.E512 of 2023 against the water agency.
The commission has also stated that on 5th January,2024, CWWDA carried out an advertisement in the Daily Nation newspaper to recruit and fill up vacancies.The process is alleged to have been marred with corruption and irregularities.
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“That there was massive irregularities, misconduct and other reports of malpractices regarding the manner in which the recruitment process was conducted including open bribery, soliciting for bribes and funds, corruption, influence peddling the, tribalism, nepotism and other malpractices spearheaded by one Simon Menza Charo,”
According to the commission, Charo was the secretary of the board during the recruitment process.
Applicants had to allegedly part with money ranging from Kshs.300,000 to Ksh 1million to secure their jobs.
The commission is demanding that the operating licence for Mr.Charo be terminated lest serious action is taken against him at a court level.
The agency has separately been sued for unilaterally transforming the heads of departments who were on 3-year renewal contracts into permanent and pensionable terms before their contract expired.
The suit implicates acting Chief Executive Officer Martin Tsuma, board members and other officials in massive irregularities that have widely been witnessed since he took over the office.

According to the suit, six interested parties among them Charo were literally handpicked into their positions whereas other eligible employees of the water agency were denied a chance to be appointed to the positions .
The position of Martin Tsuma who is also serving in acting capacity has also been put on the spotlight, considering he has served in the same capacity beyond the regulated time.
According to insiders Tsuma is currently pushing for some tenders to be awarded so that he gets his junk of percentages from the contractors.